
Can I Afford an App?

When talking with our clients, one topic that comes up regularly is: “I wish I could get an app for that!”

Now they aren’t talking about an app to walk their dog or take out the trash.  For years business owners and senior managers have lamented the fact that only enterprise organizations with VERY deep pockets have been able to afford an app specifically for their business.

But, that time is gone!

And nobody knows!

Companies have been told that simple apps cost $100k+ to develop and release, and so they quit asking the question…

“Can we build and app for that?”

In 2015 Facebook released a programming framework called “React Native.”  React Native is used to develop applications for Android, iOS and UWP by enabling developers to use React (JavaScript library) along with native platform capabilities.

This has brought feasibility of a small business to have an app of their own.

So, if you have ever thought… “I wish we had an app…”  It may no longer be wishful thinking!

Andrew Houglum