Andrew Houglum

Automate or Not to Automate… That is the Question!

We build a lot of process and marketing flowcharts for our clients, and the first thing that almost every client asks is how can we automate every aspect of the flow.

I have to admit… I ❤ automation!

I love connecting multiple systems together to create a beautiful system that comes alive and helps our client to focus on what they do best.  Even though automation is amazing and beautiful – it can also crush a project even before it gets off the ground.

Most projects, whether they are process or marketing, require some period of testing.  I would recommend that you do NOT try to automate the flow prior to having the theory behind the flow proven.  Sure you may have to do some manually data entry, but if you can get to the testing or proof phase quickly…  You can save a project from being abandoned due to “paralysis by analysis.”

Follow these steps:

  1. Create process flow
  2. Test process flow for viability
  3. Adjust process flow
  4. Automate! ⚙
Andrew Houglum
Which CRM is Right for My Company?

As a consulting company with a focus on marketing, we have used many different customer relationship management or CRM systems.

When starting with a new client we always try and make use of the systems they already have in place.  We never (well… almost never) “blow up” 💥💥💥 a client’s entire system.

Why?  Aren’t there some CRM systems that are simply better than others?  Don’t we need our clients to use “our” system?

For the most part the answer is… NO.

There is only one question we ask our clients when it comes to their CRM…

Are you actually using your CRM?

If the answer is YES 👍, then we will bend their existing CRM to fit what needs to be done.

If the answer is NO 👎, then we will work with our client to figure out… Why not!

A CRM is just a tool, like a hammer or a saw.  If you aren’t using it, then you could have the best tool in the work – and it wouldn’t matter.

Andrew Houglum
What Does Cost Effective Image Recognition Mean for Small Businesses?

Covert Mission Games (CMG) is a unique entertainment company that offers their clients with real-life spy missions.  Players have to visit real-world locations, like a restaurant or bar, and accomplish a task to help stop The Foundation from a global take over.  Players love having a fun and unique night out, but due to its utter uniqueness the company was looking for another way to attract players.

CMG partnered with us to develop an app that would promote their unique service and give players a real-life spy mission they could play at anytime.

Our first task was to analyze how their human mission controllers progressed users through a mission, and we noticed that a common process:

  1. Go to location X
  2. Send me a photo to prove you are there

Or another common process:

  1. We’ve hidden a clue
  2. Here is a photo of what you are looking for

It was clear to us that we needed to find an enterprise level image recognition platform, but on a small business budget.

Clarifai was our life saver!

Their API has both general (dog, cat, grass, etc) image recognition built in, but also offers the ability to “train” the system to look for specific objects.

If you think your business could benefit from an app with image recognition – let us know!


Andrew Houglum