Landing Page

The Tale of Two Clients

This week I had an interesting set of experiences with two different clients.  Both clients had unrealistic expectations of how their marketing pieces show be created, but from different ends of the spectrum.

Client #1 – Too Much

For Client #1 we were helping them create a landing page to sell their services.  I had given them the “Golden Circle” of WHY – HOW – WHAT, and they had created about 6 pages of content for a single landing page.

Normally, having more content from a client is better than less content, but in this instance the Client didn’t want to trim any of the content down.  They were attached to all the words that were written instead of allowing us to use the words and construct a landing page that flowed and held a user’s attention.

We worked with the Client to eventually cut the content down to a more standard 300 word landing page.

Remember, for a landing page – LESS IS MORE.  Keep your landing pages between 200 – 300 words, as that is the amount most people can read in a minute.

Client #2 – Not Enough

For Client #2 we were assisting in creating a brochure to outline their entire service offering.  This client’s services were easy to explain to a potential customer… In theory…  But, because the execution contained many different concepts they often had to answer: “What EXACTLY am I getting?”  Or, “What IS xyz service again?”

Normally, this question is easy for a business to answer.  “You are getting X, Y and Z.”  But, in this instance just listing the services wasn’t enough as each service was unique and new to potential customers.

We worked with the Client to expand each of their line items in their service offering.  We applied the WHY – HOW – WHAT principle to each individual activity bundled in their overall service.

Remember, for a new service – MORE IS MORE. Don’t assume that your potential customers speak the same language you do. Be ready and willing to expand your “WHAT” if you are introducing a service to the marketplace.

Get Started

Please contact us if you are having trouble creating a landing page or marketing piece that both explains and doesn’t bore your potential customers.



Andrew Houglum
Landing Pages and the Golden Circle

As digital strategy consultants, one of the things we get asked to create on a regular basis are “landing pages.”  If you aren’t familiar with the term – a “landing page” is a single web page where a marketing campaign will direct prospects to “sell” something.  I put sell in quotes because sometimes what you are selling doesn’t involve money; for example, you may want the prospect to use their email address or phone number as currency to “buy” something from you.

So, what content should you put on a landing page?

If you Google “landing page” you will be overwhelmed with all the classes, tools and templates to help you create a “killer” landing page. But, unless your product fits EXACTLY with their example, you are still left trying to answer the question… “What content should I put on my landing page?”

The Golden Circle

If you have never watched Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” Ted Talk…  Stop what you are doing and watch this right now:

Now, I know what you are thinking…  “How does the Golden Circle apply to landing pages?”

Landing Page Golden Circle

WHY should the prospect buy what you are selling? What is the top way your product or service will change their life?

HOW will your prospect’s life be improved by what you are selling? I.E. What are the benefits?

WHAT are you selling? Specifically, what are the features that will create a world where what you just detailed comes true?

If you follow this simple landing page content formula, your landing pages will be easier to create and contain all the content your prospect wants.

If need help creating a landing page – let us know.


Andrew Houglum